Build Your Online Presence Today


Build your brand fast with a

free website from Bizzy Social!

Take Advantage Of This

Special Offer Today!

Lightning-Fast Hosting and Maintenance for just $89/month!

Elevate your online presence and grow your business with Bizzy Social

.Get a FREE professional, mobile-optimized, and SEO-friendly website tailored to your brand. Our expert designers will help you showcase your unique style and attract more customers online.

Why Wait?

Get Your Free Website Today!

Meet 1-on-1 with one of our website designers on a Zoom call, and your custom site will be ready in less than 24 hours! We’ll publish your website quickly so you can start to grow your online presence today.

Take advantage of our special offer Lightning-Fast web hosting and maintenance for just $89/month. Don’t wait; elevate your brand now!

How You Can "Get Bizzy"

Sign Up and

Get Onboarded

Once you know the service you want to get Bizzy with, just order it online. After paying for your service you will automatically be directed to our Onboarding Page. Just fill in the form with some basic information about your business and schedule a 1-on-1 Zoom call with one of our experts.

Get Your Assets Together and Upload

Gather together all your pics and videos along with any brand specific logos, kits, colors, fonts, and anything else you can supply for content creation. Our team of graphic designers will use these to create engaging posts and videos. Also get any customer contact lists you may have from your POS or reservation system. We will help you upload all this into our Bizzy Social Portal during your 1-on-1 call

1-on-1 Zoom Call

With an Expert

You meet online with one of our graphic designers to upload your assets and plan out a social marketing strategy that fits your restaurant. It's important to have consistent messaging across all platforms. We will work with you to create the perfect look for your restaurants online presence that drives customers to follow you.

We "Get Bizzy"

For You

Our team will get Bizzy creating professional looking and engaging social media pages and business directories that will make your restaurant stand out from the rest. We will run text & email campaigns to re-engage past customers and find new ones. We respond to customer reviews and social media messages so customers feel connected to your restaurant.

Still Have Some Questions?

Just Want to Know More?

Just sign up for our Free Online Reputation Report and meet with one of our experts.

Free Online Reputation Report

See How Customers See you Online!

Get a Free Online Reputation Report Emailed To You Now!

We will assess your Google Business Profile, Social Media pages, and 50+ Business Directories to evaluate your search rankings, online reviews, and overall online presence. Receive a custom report showing ranking scores, search results, and how customers see you online, sent to your email today.

© copyright 2024, Scott's Bizzy LLC